Faith Based Ministry

Our Passion + Your Purpose = Transformed People

Faith Based Ministry

Faith Based Ministry

Often, we find media and marketing teams within ministries find themselves stuck in their current state of fundraising, outreach, struggling to create the impact in their community they set out for.

In today’s fragmented media marketplace, Vision40 Media is an essential partner in creating growth and advancing forward, to drive long term, high value donors, while scaling your impact and telling your story through response-driven marketing and media cross channel strategies (TV, Mobile, Digital, Audio, Print, etc.).

Vision40 Media provides ministries the opportunity to rapidly expand, while remaining focused on your core strategic concepts that matter most.

Proclaiming the Gospel in a Post-Christian Culture

Success Defined

Faith-Based Ministry Reduces National TV Airtime Rates by 12% & Generates 15% Improved Viewership From Targeted TV Campaigns

At Vision40 Media, our team of experts in media marketing (TV, Radio and Digital) have helped our clients efficiently increase exposure, improve retention and reduce the cost per donor for nonprofit organizations.

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